IoT (M2M) Solution

IoT (M2M) Integrated Platform

It offers a more simple and effective item internet service by connecting all items with people through network, and communication between item to item whenever, Wherever.

Starthing Platform Flow Chart

Advantages of Starthing Platform

Optimized for Wireless Telecommunication Network
Offers cost reducible communication environment through protocol design optimized for wireless communication
Open Item Communication Protocol
Offers an open standardized protocol to connect all item installations
Service Supported OpenAPI
Offers web based standardized protocol suing OpenAPI to easily develop various services
MDM Service
Offers the limitation and mobile equipment management service upon illegally being used through changing of the settings
Security Function for Information
Increases information security by offering a password among item communication and personal information

Fields Starthing Platform is Applied

Vehicle Control

Remote Reading

Distribution, Finance

Security and Control

Self Health Check

Asset Management